Hire an agent
Homecrew helps you to find & secure your perfect rental home. Get access to our extensive knowledge and network of vendors. Our average scores:
4.9 Customer satisfaction score
14 Days from start to offer acceptance
4.6 Viewings
1.3 Offers sent
Get ahead of the crowd in an aggressive housing market. Having an edge over the competition is key to success. Homecrew makes sure you will have the right support and information needed to make a winning bid. Choose a rental-agent package that best suits your needs.
For the independent
The essentials and a bit more to spare you your valuable time and efforts.
- Intake
- Guides and check-lists
- Your personal rental manager
- Search properties
- Schedule viewings
- Offer submission
- Contract review
- Utilities set-up
€ 1199 (incl. VAT)
For the hard worker
A full package offering where we take away all the hassle and accompany you during the entire process. Also possible fully remote.
- Intake
- Guides and check-lists
- Your personal rental manager
- Search properties
- Schedule viewings
- Attend viewings
- Offer submission
- Contract review
- Attend check-in
- Utilities set-up
€ 1999 (incl. VAT)
Have questions?
Please send Homecrew a mail to info@homecrew.nl